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Strength for each day

Daniel, a Londoner, shared with us how significant Daily Strength was in his journey to giving his life to Christ.c

Earlier in life, Daniel battled with addiction. He sought support through a number of 12 step programmes, and was struck by what he heard in these meetings. He explained: “Sometimes the words of the Bible were shared. I felt drawn to find out more, to learn more about this Jesus that I heard spoken about.”

He talked about a key moment in his journey to faith: “One day I was in Alborough, Suffolk, though it could have been the middle of nowhere, and it was almost like a scene from a film. I was walking by a river and a field of reeds, and there was only one building in sight, a little church. I felt drawn there and so I walked towards it.

 “When I reached the church the doors were unlocked so I made my way inside. For some time, I was alone and I felt drawn to pray to God, something I was doing more often in my life. Then a woman came in and welcomed me to the church.

“During our conversation she held out a booklet, a copy of Daily Strength, which I received gratefully. I was surprised that a stranger would give something freely, would listen freely and show such genuine care. I really treasured that copy of Daily Strength. I read the words often and was moved by the hope in the Bible verses.

“The kind woman had pointed me in the direction of a church in Marylebone, so I started going. Each Sunday I joined the church service and read from my Daily Strength every day and then I started reading from the Bible. I experienced healing at this church, but even more amazing, I put my faith in Jesus and was baptized. I was eager to share this good news, just as the Bible’s words of life had been shared with me.

“I now offer Bible resources like Daily Strength to people I meet in my community. One time I ‘busked in reverse.’ I played my guitar, but instead of asking for donations, I placed out copies of Daily Strength, and invited people to take a copy, or to talk to me if they wanted to.

“One conversation really stuck out. There was a man who took a copy of Daily Strength and opened up to me about how he had been drifting from God, but now it seemed that God had been calling him back to himself. I’ve remembered that conversation ever since.”

Daniel continues to reach out to his community with the good news of the Bible, sharing booklets and leaflets that encourage people to explore the hope we find in the Bible, the hope we find in our saviour, Jesus Christ.

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