Be a joyful giver
As Christmas approaches, we are reminded of the Bible’s message of hope, peace, and joy that we celebrate together – a message that speaks to the heart of Lifewords mission. Every donation you make will become a powerful tool for ministry, paving the way for countless others to experience the hope and wisdom of the Bible.
A story worth sharing
We've had the privilege of celebrating 135 years of sharing the Bible’s life words. The world has seen so much change in that time, but those same words still speak life, hope, and healing.
Build bridges to the Bible
Partner with us today to GIFT A BRICK of resources that will enable more sharing of Bible-rich, context and subject specific, highly engaging resources to missions who need them most.
Connecting with the Bible
Join us celebrating 20 years of Life Changing Words and partner with us for the next 20! Give a gift to help us to get the Bible’s life words into people’s daily lives, and to help them to share it.
Encountering Jesus
The nativity story reminds us that an encounter with Jesus is where it all begins. Help more people encounter Jesus by giving, praying, and partnering with us this Christmas.
Resources for Ukraine
In Poland Lifewords is responding as best we can by joining hands with others to offer help and spiritual comfort to those affected by the conflict in Ukraine.
Access for all
At Christmas, we celebrate that Love came down, Hope became tangible, the Word became flesh. Gods’ love in Jesus made Salvation accessible to the whole world.
Words of life
There is no doubt of the effect that the pandemic has had on the mental health of the nation. If you are struggling, or know someone who is, we have resources to help.
Pavement Project's 24th anniversary
Churches and individuals all over the UK support and celebrate Pavement Project, which has enabled us to do so much more as we deliver the project.
A brand new arts project inspired by the Beatitudes. The NINE BEATS Collective brings together musicians, poets, provocateurs around these ancient sayings. This a project to inspire emerging generations to live out the way of Jesus.