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If you work in schools, hospitals, prisons, youth centres, churches, workplaces - anywhere people gather and the story can be shared - and you want to help people engage with the Bible, the Little Brick of Little Books might be just the think for you. It is a brand-new tool for ministries that need quality, Bible-centred resources that people will read, re-read, and keep.

The Little Bricks are available for £25 each (plus an extra donation of £5 for postage), but we believe that cost shouldn't be a barrier to people finding a way into the Bible. So if your ministry doesn't have the funds for Bible resources like these, please apply for a brick by filling in the form below and we will endeavor to match you up with a donor who has decided to GIFT A BRICK to organisations just like yours*. You can also encourage your own supporters and local churches to GIFT A BRICK to you.

* = required field

What will you use my email address for? With your permission, we will send you occasional news, stories, and opportunities to give to Lifewords work (including fundraising appeals). You can unsubscribe from mailings at any time. See our data use policy for more details. 

How will you use my home address and phone number? We will only use your home address and phone number to say thank you for your support and if we need to contact you regarding your gift of a Little Brick of Little Books. You will only be added to the general mailing list if you place an order or give a seperate gift.

*Please note, a limited number of Little Bricks are available, and we will consider each request carefully and fulfill as many as possible.