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“The extraordinary thing that is about to happen is matched only by the extraordinary moment just before it happens. Advent is the name of that moment.”
Frederick Buechner

This Advent, go on a jouney of relection. Of waiting. Journey with your church, your family, or carve out some time for yourself in the busyness of the Christmas season. Wait in expectation; mark the begining of the new and the end of the old; and carry Advent with you until the next time ... and the next time .. and the next. 

Little Book of Advent will be available to pre-order from mid-September, and downloadable resources to help you on your journey of waiting are coming soon.

Christmas is the story of the birth of Jesus, and it is also the story of the outsiders, the broken, the weary, the scared, the grieving.

It’s the story of light in the darkness and hope in despair. It's a story for the whole world, and it's a story we want to help you share.

With printed and digital resources, craft activities, and animations for personal reflection, there's something for everyone. So take a look around, download what you want, order what you need, and don't forget to tell us your plans - we want to hear your stories of community and welcome this Christmas. 

Connect with your families, communities, and congregations with printed and digital resources that tell the story, invite people in, and speak light into the dark places. 

Please tell us how you are experiencing the story of Christmas this year, and how you are welcoming in those on the edges of your communities.