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Creative faith

Written by Lifewords supporter, guest blogger and all round creative, Ann, this blog post explores how we can be innovative and creative in sharing the hope of the Bible with others, and how Lifewords resources can be used and shared as part of that creativity.

Hello, my name is Ann.

I enjoy making and creating with and for the Lord. As I reflect on God's word, he leads and guides me through the creative process, and I like to encourage others to do the same. I create journals based on Bible themes which I fill with verses in the hope that the recipient will feel inspired to read, write, reflect and pray over those verses, making their own notes as they do so. These are effectively snapshots of the Bible, a gentle and personalised way for others to deepen their relationship with Jesus or perhaps take their first tentative steps towards him.

I recently made some videos based on the inspiration that I was blessed with when I received a set of publications from Lifewords. I particularly love the variation of graphics used for each booklet, they are gorgeous to look at as well as to read. These wonderful books of truth are a rich addition to the monthly Creative Christianity afternoons that I run at church. During these sessions we combine creativity with a short Bible study, coming away at the end with something we have made. The group runs for 2 hours, with coffee or tea in the middle. We start with a prayer, briefly go over the project and read the relevant scripture verses out loud.

The Lifewords booklets are also tremendous resources to use in reaching out to others, so that they may also enjoy the freedom, hope and peace which we, as believers, have in our own hearts. I pray that I would steward these little books wisely and that they find their way into the hands of those who most need to be reassured that God does indeed love and care for them.

I often make videos of these projects, which you can find on my YouTube channel ann.michelle.crafts. In the videos I reflect on the Bible verses that are found in the Perfect Peace and Finding Hope booklets. I then present a brief tutorial for creating a gift to encompass the booklets, such as an easy to make journal, bookmarks and personalised verse cards. My intention in making these videos is to inspire others to also use creativity as a tool for Bible study, making something for themselves or as a gift to pass on.

Jesus reaches out to others through us, we are his hands, his voice, his feet, his arms and his heart to this world. He blesses what we create for him, whether it be worship music, singing, giving, listening or maybe holding hands when needed, as we find ways to make connections. What is your calling? Where is he leading you? Every journey starts somewhere and the Bible teaches us not to despise the day of small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10) and to trust and not be afraid:  "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation." (Isaiah 12:2)

I truly believe God blesses us as we take a step of faith. So what steps do you feel He is calling you to take today? And if you don't feel anything at the moment, then pray. The Lord is happy to give wisdom to those who seek it (James 1:5) and he is more than happy to guide you to the fulfilment of your purposes (Jeremiah 29:11). So wherever you are in your life right now, whatever part of the journey you are on, take a moment look to God and ask 'is this the way that I should be going?' His answer may surprise you.

God doesn't ask us to do something that we are comfortable in doing in our own strength. Instead he reminds us to seek him first, to seek his guidance, his strength, his leadership, his peace and his direction: "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33)

I hope that you will find using creativity as part of your own personal time with Jesus just as helpful and fulfilling as I do. God bless, Ann

Our upcoming Little Book of Advent provides a great opportunity to try your hand at a creative project like Ann's. Little Book of Advent will be available to preorder from Monday 23rd September.

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