October 2024
Join the Adventure with Lifewords' new Little Book
As covered in Premier Christianity, Keep the Faith and the Baptists Together's newsletter, Lifewords new resource Little Book of Advent takes the reader on a journey of reflection and waiting, encouraging individuals, groups and congregations to engage with the season of Advent and what it means to wait and to look forwards to the arrival of the hope promised in the Bible.

Radical Generosity
Our article in the Evangelical Alliance's Idea magazine explores ghow iving is at the heart of what Lifewords does.

July 2024
100 Little Bricks of Little Books offered to outreach ministries
Cement your claim by applying now!
Thanks to the generosity of its supporters, Christian charity Lifewords has 100 of its new Little Brick of Little Books resource to gift to churches, ministries and organisations.

April 2024
WW1 Active Service John's Gospel
Lifewords released a replica of their Active Service John’s Gospel to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the First World War in 2014. Since then, more than 1 million copies have been distributed across the UK, Australia and the world.

This celebration of Lifewords anniversary replica of the WW1 Active Service John's Gospels was featured in Keep the Faith magazine.
March 2024
Little Brick of Little Books
Lifewords Little Brick of Little Books is now available following a ‘leap year’ launch on February 29th in central London. With standout, vibrant design, this boxed collection of Lifewords’ Little Book resources provides Christian ministries and workers with a creative way to engage people with the transformative messages of the Bible.

The Little Brick of Little Books was featured by Keep the Faith magazine. Marcia Dixon MBE, Editor of Keep the Faith magazine, who attended the Little Brick launch, said: “I love the idea of people being able to nominate other organisations and gift a brick to them for their work and ministry. This is a really great tool for people who are actively engaging in work in prisons, and with young people in many contexts.”
29th February 2024
Little Book of Joy
Lifewords new resource Little Book of Joy is the latest edition to the charity’s Little Book series. Vibrant, upbeat and eyecatching, this pocket-sized booklet explores what the Bible says about joy, how it can be lost, found and restored.
Little Book of Joy was released at midnight on 29th February. This ‘leap year launch’ celebrates the picture of joy that we find in Malachi 4:2, “But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings, And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.”

Little Book of Joy featured across Churches Together England's communications, alongside The Baptist Union's newsletter.
August 2023
Little Book of Jesus
Our new resource Litttle Book of Jesus: A Life Story is now available. Little Book of Jesus is a free Bible resource aiming to inspire Christians, and to engage people of all faiths and none with the life story of Jesus. Told through the Bible’s own words, this 'Little Book' takes the reader on a journey through the life and ministry of Jesus Christ and beyond, to his death and resurrection, providing a clear introduction to the person at the centre of the Christian faith.

Matt Currey of Lifewords spoke to United Christian Broadcasters' Helen Price about Little Book of Jesus: A Life Story.
July 2021
With lockdown restrictions easing, the long-awaited moment for churches to get together again is here. To help church leaders with the transition back to the physical church meeting, Christian charity Lifewords has a range of free resources available.

March 2021
As lockdowns continue and the world slowly emerges from the coronavirus pandemic, Christian charity Lifewords has a range of four Easter resources available free for churches, organisations, and individuals.
February 2021
Words of life in a time of chaos and confusion
Everyone, everywhere, has been going through loneliness or loss, anxiety or despair: no-one is immune from these real-life experiences. ‘The Little Book of Chaos’ and ‘Inspiring Prayer’ are two Bible resources from Christian charity Lifewords that are proving helpful for churches and individuals living through Covid-19 lockdown.
December 2020
Are the Bible and the nativity story still relevant today?
Matt Currey spoke to Premier's Maria Rodrigues about resources to help us point people to Jesus, the light, in this season when there is much pain, difficulty and darkness.